You’re invited!


Jul 4, 6-7pm - pst

by donation - in celebration of world wellbeing week

brought to you by




Join with your team and Tell your loved ones!

Register your spot:

Donation link:

What is breathwork?

Breathwork constitutes a holistic wellness practice predicated on conscious and intentional control of one's breath. Through this practice, individuals can harness the therapeutic potential of controlled respiration techniques to cultivate physical and psychological well-being.

Why is it Useful?

In the contemporary professional milieu, characterized by its frenetic pace and formidable demands, stress management is paramount. Breathwork provides a simple yet effective tool to regulate stress responses, enhance cognitive clarity, and nurture overall well-being. It equips individuals with a skill set to gracefully confront challenges and cultivate resilience.


Your breath regulates the levels of oxygen (O2) and carbon dioxide (CO2) in your body, which have alkaline and acidic properties, respectively. CO2 is a waste product produced by your body that can accumulate in your blood if not properly expelled. Think of it as a toxin - similar to other biological waste.

Breathwork helps stimulate the body to balance and regulate O2 and CO2 levels, leading to a diverse cascade of somatic and emotional responses in the body.

BREATH WORK IS Not recommended for

pregnant women or people with severe health conditions


You’ll be guided by our resident breathwork maestro, Lion Carew.

Formerly a Registered Respiratory Therapist, Lion discovered that many health crises are rooted in a disregulated nervous system. This insight shifted his focus to the vital role of breathwork, recognizing that optimal mind and body function starts with proper breathing

Through his expertise and compassionate approach, Lion helps individuals reconnect with their breath, creating profound shifts in energy and enhancing body and mind awareness, ultimately promoting overall well-being and resilience.

“Breath first, everything else second”

What to expect

Thursday Jul 4

6-7pm, PST

1 hour of guided breathwork


  • Use the bathroom beforehand
  • Eat up to 1 hour before we start. You do not want a full belly.
  • Find a private space where you will not be disturbed
  • Lay down for the entire experience
    • (Bed, couch, floor are all great options)
  • Wear earbuds for an immersive sound experience
  • Get your comfort items (optional):
    • Blanket
    • Eye mask
    • Journal
    • Diffusers of essential oils

This event is by donation

Pay what you can

in celebration of

World Wellbeing Week

Selena and Lion collaborate on their shared mission to create experiences that change the way we relate to ourselves, each other, and the world.



Suggested amount: $22 - individual || $100 - group 5+

shared experiences unite us

Join with your team and Tell your loved ones!

Register your spot:

See you on Thu Jul 4, 6pm - pst


As an accomplished Event Producer, Operations Consultant and Organization Coach, Selena infuses her work with conscious values and generative thinking, creating environments where individuals and teams can thrive, both personally and professionally. She believes the cultivation of well-being is not just a personal journey but a pivotal investment in the sustained success and prosperity of your vitality, relationships, and business.

Selena believes that life is about experiences—shared experiences that unify us and reveal new dimensions of ourselves. Every experience she curates is more than just an event; it is a deliberate stride towards nurturing a lifestyle culture that unleashes the boundless potential within individuals while celebrating authentic human connection and holistic well-being.


Should you have any questions about her work

or wish to explore team culture experiences, drop a line!

Selena Shiu (chaoticgoodlifeconsulting [at]

Thank you

Photo Credits: